I apologize for not being present on the first day of class. I am currently in Kansas City attending the Skills USA Conference. You should get a copy of my syllabus for Art 1430. The syllabus is also available online via UV link and blackboard. I will go over the syllabus on Monday.
You will need your book ASAP, so if you have not yet picked up your book take the time to get it today. Here is an Amazon link for the Official Adobe Publishing Guide 2nd edition. Use your class time to read and review chapter 1. We will cover Chapter 1 next Monday & Tuesday in class. Pay close attention to page 40 as it gives a brief description of screen printing.
Your first assignment will be a Skills USA T-shirt & Pin design that represents the state of Utah. I will cover this assignment in detail on Monday, but if you want to read over the assignment sheet now you can use this T-shirt Assignment sheet link.
See you on Monday